Navigating Italy's Fiscal Compliance: The Innovative Integration Empowering Restaurants with Do Your Order and EPSON fiscal printers

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Since 2019, Italy's fiscal landscape has witnessed a significant transformation with the Agenzia delle Entrate mandating the adoption of electronic cash registers or fiscal receipts. Despite this paradigm shift, the absence of readily available APIs for restaurateurs to seamlessly transmit their receipts has presented unforeseen challenges within the industry. 

Noteworthy examples of API services addressing this issue include and, offering subscription costs ranging from 8 to 12 euros per month. In response to the API gap, various individuals have taken the initiative to develop their own solutions, exchanging valuable insights and experiences on platforms like

To facilitate remote connectivity and data processing, all these solutions leverage the fiscal drawer of merchants. While this approach is innovative, it often encounters stability issues and necessitates real-time receipt transmission. Despite these challenges, only a few fiscal POS solution providers have opted for this method. Following a thorough examination, our decision was to establish connectivity with an RT printer as a more reliable alternative. It costs more of course than a fully digital API approach, but for a medium restaurant doing more than 10 fiscal transactions per day it is worth it.

Introducing "Do Your Order" with Epson RT Printers

Introducing "Do Your Order" with Epson RT Printers FP-81II RT/FP-90III RT

To address these challenges, we have decided to integrate "Do Your Order," a restaurant solution, with Epson RT printers. This integration aligns with fiscal regulations and caters to the specific needs of businesses. Electronic cash registers are designed to meet the demands of electronic transmission of commercial documents, including invoices and fiscal receipts. Our range offers targeted solutions for every retail environment, ensuring compliance with current regulations.

mPOS-81: A Mobile Solution for Growing Businesses

For small-scale operations like restaurants, bars, cafes, food trucks,  mPOS-81 is the ideal solution. It comprises the Epson FP-81II RT, a 10-inch Android tablet, and a customizable WEB keyboard. You can download the Do Your Order App on it directly from the App Store

Ready for the Receipt Lottery?

In January 2022, Italy had implemented a receipt lottery known as "Lotto degli Scontrini" to encourage the use of electronic payments and combat tax evasion. The idea was to incentivize consumers to request electronic receipts for their purchases, promoting transparency and accountability in transactions.

Here's a brief overview of how it works:

  • Electronic Receipts (Scontrini): When consumers made purchases and opted for electronic receipts (scontrini), these transactions were automatically recorded in the tax authority's system.
  • Lottery Participation: Each electronic receipt generated during a specific period served as an entry into a lottery.
  • Draw and Prizes: Periodically, the tax authorities conducted a lottery draw from the pool of eligible electronic receipts. Consumers who had participated had a chance to win cash prizes or other incentives.

This initiative aimed to discourage cash transactions, which can be more easily hidden from tax authorities, and promote the use of traceable electronic payments. It also encouraged businesses to comply with the electronic receipt system.

Here's a brief overview:

Scontrino Elettronico API

  • Electronic Receipts (Scontrini): When consumers made purchases and opted for electronic receipts (scontrini), these transactions were automatically recorded in the tax authority's system.
  • Lottery Participation: Each electronic receipt generated during a specific period served as an entry into a lottery.
  • Draw and Prizes: Periodically, the tax authorities conducted a lottery draw from the pool of eligible electronic receipts. Consumers who had participated had a chance to win cash prizes or other incentives.

This initiative aimed to discourage cash transactions, which can be more easily hidden from tax authorities, and promote the use of traceable electronic payments. It also encouraged businesses to comply with the electronic receipt system.

Benefits of Electronic Receipt Transmission

Switching to electronic receipt transmission offers three main advantages:

  • Simplified Procedures and Time Reduction: With daily receipts stored and transmitted online in real time to the Agenzia delle Entrate, the need for end-of-day fiscal closure is eliminated.
  • Reduced Risk of Sanctions: Storing all sales for end-of-day data transmission minimizes the risk of errors or omissions.
  • Marketing Opportunities: Digital receipts become a tool for marketing and communication.

Epson's Fiscal Product Range and Integrations with Do Your Order:

Epson's fiscal product range includes

  • Fiscal meters FP‐81II/FP‐90III, upgradeable to electronic cash registers.
  • Electronic cash registers FP-81II RT/FP-90III RT, with the same technical features as the corresponding fiscal meters.

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