
Effective leadership practices and strategies for managing teams in hospitality.

Doyo - DoYourOrder Bullying in the Hospitality Industry: A Toxic Recipe for Failure6 minutes read

Bullying in the Hospitality Industry: A Toxic Recipe for Failure

Bullying is a scourge that infects various facets of society, and the workplace is no exception. In the dynamic and customer-centric environment of the hospitality industry, bullying can have particularly damaging consequences, not just for the in

BySarah Reynolds
13 Apr 2024
Doyo - DoYourOrder Navigating the Landscape of Minimum Wages in the USA: A Guide for Restaurant Owners12 minutes read

Navigating the Landscape of Minimum Wages in the USA: A Guide for Restaurant Owners

The hospitality industry, a vibrant cornerstone of the American economy, is deeply influenced by the fluctuating dynamics of minimum wage laws across the United States. As restaurant owners and operators navigate through the compl

BySarah Reynolds
17 Mar 2024
Doyo - DoYourOrder What factors contribute to the success of a restaurant?4 minutues read

What factors contribute to the success of a restaurant?

There is no recipe for a successful restaurant business, unlike a slow-cooked, simmering cauldron of delicious gravy cooked to perfection. And this brings us to our first point: there are no hard and fast rules for running a successful restaurant;

BySarah Reynolds
05 Jun 2023
12 minutues read

Unleash the Power of Excellent Customer Service in Your Restaurant in 2023

When it comes to running a successful restaurant, exceptional customer service plays a vital role in attracting and retaining loyal guests. In 2023, with increasing competition and evolving customer expectations, it's crucial for restaurants to go

ByDavid Hernandez
24 May 2023
4 minutues read

Balancing Fatherhood and Work in the Restaurant Industry: Tips for Success

Fatherhood is a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it can be challenging when working in the restaurant industry with irregular hours and often working during public holidays. This can make it difficult to balance work and family life, which

ByDavid Hernandez
12 May 2023
3 minutues read

Strategies for Alleviating the Pressures of Running a Restaurant Business

Are you tired of the endless grind of running a restaurant business? Do constant stress with employees and clients, low profitability, and overwhelming amounts of work have you feeling like it's time to give up? Don't throw in the towel just yet.

ByDavid Hernandez
07 May 2023
3 minutues read

Relevance of May Day for the Restaurant Industry: Fighting for Fair Labor Practices and Workers' Rights

International Workers' Day or May Day, as it is commonly known, is celebrated annually on May 1st around the world. This day commemorates the struggle of workers for better pay, working conditions, and their rights. It is a day that has become syn

BySarah Reynolds
01 May 2023
4 minutues read

Strategies for a Successful Restaurant Grand Opening and Continuous Management of High-Level Customer Satisfaction

Opening a restaurant can be a challenging and rewarding experience. However, the success of a restaurant venture largely depends on how well it's managed at its opening and beyond. A successful grand opening could mean a rush of traffic, a swarm o

BySarah Reynolds
19 Apr 2023
4 minutues read

How to hire and train staff for a new restaurant

This paper examines the process of hiring and training staff for a new restaurant. The aim of this paper is to explore the different methods and strategies used to recruit and train staff in the restaurant industry. In order to conduct this study,

ByDavid Hernandez
10 Apr 2023
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