Process Improvements

Strategies and practices aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Doyo - DoYourOrder Is Your Restaurant Still Using Paper for Orders? It’s Time to Upgrade!8 minutes read

Is Your Restaurant Still Using Paper for Orders? It’s Time to Upgrade!

In the fast-paced world of restaurant service, every minute counts. From taking orders to delivering meals, efficiency and accuracy are crucial for ensuring a positive dining experience. Yet, many establishments continue to rely on outdated paper-

ByJennifer Lee
06 Apr 2024
Doyo - DoYourOrder How DOYO Enhances Restaurant Operations: From Instant Messages to Instant Service8 minutes read

How DOYO Enhances Restaurant Operations: From Instant Messages to Instant Service

In an era where technology seamlessly integrates into every aspect of our lives, the hospitality industry is no exception. A novel approach, witnessed in a bar in Italy, leverages the ubiquity and simplicity of instant messaging services like What

ByDo Your Order
03 Apr 2024
Doyo - DoYourOrder List of the Essential Restaurant Equipment7 minutues read

List of the Essential Restaurant Equipment

Launching a restaurant involves several expenses that quickly accumulate. Apart from the expenses related to renting a commercial space, securing licenses, obtaining permits, and marketing, your restaurant equipment represents a significant portio

ByEmily Parker
26 Aug 2023
4 minutues read

How to convert your Kitchen TV or smart phone into a functioning KDS

In today's fast-paced restaurant environment, efficiency and convenience are key factors for success. One area where technology has greatly impacted the industry is the Kitchen Display System (KDS). Traditionally, restaurants would invest in dedic

ByJennifer Lee
22 May 2023
3 minutues read

Strategies for Alleviating the Pressures of Running a Restaurant Business

Are you tired of the endless grind of running a restaurant business? Do constant stress with employees and clients, low profitability, and overwhelming amounts of work have you feeling like it's time to give up? Don't throw in the towel just yet.

ByDavid Hernandez
07 May 2023
2 minutues read

How to Purchase Equipment and Furniture for a New Restaurant: A Guide for Owners and Managers

Starting a new restaurant can be an exciting and challenging endeavor. One of the most significant tasks that owners and managers face is purchasing equipment and furniture. This paper will provide a comprehensive guide to help restaurant owners a

ByDavid Hernandez
07 Apr 2023
3 minutues read

What is a KDS and why is it important for bars, restaurants and other hospitality businesses?

The use of technology in the hospitality industry has seen tremendous advancements over the years, with the Kitchen Display System (KDS) being one of the significant innovations. KDS is a digital ordering and tracking system used in the kitchen to

ByJennifer Lee
02 Apr 2023
4 minutues read

How can small family restaurants compete effectively with big restaurant chains?

This article discusses the success of large fast-food chains and the impact they have on small family-owned restaurants. While the major chains benefit from economies of scale and technological advancements that allow them to offer lower prices, t

BySarah Reynolds
01 Apr 2023
5 minutues read

Simplify Your Restaurant's Workflow with Online Ordering

In today's fast-paced world, having an online ordering system for your restaurant is not just a luxury, but a necessity. Integrating an online ordering system can streamline your kitchen workflow and provide a better customer experience, as well a

ByEmily Parker
21 Mar 2023
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